What is so important about gold?
Yesterday we visited a gold mine, or a mine that still has gold in it
but isn't currently being worked. And Carver asked essentially this
question. Why gold?
Gold is soft and easy to work, making
it great for coins and jewelry. But you can't make tools out of it
like iron. True, gold doesn't rust or degrade, but stainless steel is
pretty resistant to that too.
So what was it in antiquity that made
people willing to die and to kill for gold? Why was it so sought
after by everyone from Californians to conquistadors?
I don't know. But I did learn more
about getting it out of the ground.
We headed up to Walhalla, here in
Victoria. Walhalla is a neat town, sort of held in time from when it
was last truly populated. Now 23 people live there, but it lives on
for historical tourism.
Walhalla is in a valley between two
mountains and you have to climb a twisty road to reach it. In the
winter, because of its position between two high ridges, they only
get about two hours of direct sunlight a day. We were happy to be
there in the spring.
But in its time, Walhalla was a
thriving town built around gold mining. There were five separate gold
mines in the mountain at its west. We visited the Long Tunnel
Extended Gold Mine. We went in with our guide and with one other
couple from the United Kingdom.
It's cold inside there |
It took the miners ten years to even
build the main adit (horizontal shaft at the entry and exit level.)
Then they built a boiler room in the back so they could have steam
power for drills and eventually for a lift (an elevator). After this
they dug straight down and made more horizontal digs running directly
under the main adit. Each of these was mined for anywhere from one
ounce to a maximum of about fifty ounces of gold per ton of rock.
Most of the time it was around 3 or 4 ounces per ton.
The mine was active for fifty years
from 1865 to 1915. Inside we saw the main shaft, one smaller shaft,
and the big boiler room and lift room at the backs. We learned why
timber is used to build the supports and not metal.
This kind of support is called a "pig sty" |
When the rock begins to press on wood,
the wood creaks and moans. The miners say timber speaks to them. So
they know that something is wrong and they have to fix it or get out.
With metal, it keeps quiet. It just bears the weight until it can't
bear it anymore and then suddenly snaps.
The highest paid man working inside the
mine was the lift operator. The lift could only carry two men at a
time. And they were all down on various levels, some of them far
below ground. They didn't have radios to communicate with the lift
operator, so if they needed the lift, they had to pull cords to ring
The lift operator had to carefully
listen to Morse Code being rung out by bells to figure out which
level needed a lift car. If the miners were blasting with dynamite
and the lift operator sent the car to the wrong level, those miners
didn't get out in time. One of many ways to die in the mines. We'll
get to more on that.
Because the lift operator had to hear
so closely, the lift needed to run as silently as possible. So there
was another man who had to, once a day, climb a ladder up into a dark
sloped tunnel. He had to go to its peak where the big pulley for the
lift was. Then he had to grease it to keep it quiet.
The ladder for the pulley greaser |
But the pulley greaser was not the
second highest paid man in the mine. That was the dunny man. A dunny
is an Australian slang word for a toilet. The dunny man had to go
from level to level and collect the excrement and then get it up and
out of the mine.
Since the mine was built, 52 people
have died within it, and perhaps a much larger number died because of
ailments they got mining there. There were a lot of ways to die.
Of course there were rockfalls and
cave-ins. There were supports that fell away and dropped people into
deep shafts. The lower levels were underwater so had to be pumped
out. This didn't stop occasional drownings though. At the very lowest
level, the water was still ankle to hip deep and bitterly cold. Some
of the men who worked here died of foot rot. I'm not entirely sure
what that is, but it sounds horrible. I'm resistant to looking it up
online because I don't necessarily want to know what it is.
Other miners died of miner's lung. It's
similar to black lung in coal mines, but this was the super fine
silicates that got into their lungs and shredded their alveoli. Then
they would live on with less ability to breathe day after day. And
some died of arsenic poisoning, as the matrix that holds the gold
also holds arsenic. Of course, no one knew that at the time.
In the end, it wasn't the deaths that
stopped the mine from production in 1915. There were two factors. One
was the first World War. Many of the miners left Australia to go
fight for the mother country. But that was not the main reason.
What was? Wood. To run the boiler
required 35 tons of wood to be burned a day. In addition, timber was
needed for supports. Plus people who lived in the valley needed wood
to build their homes and then to heat their homes during the winter.
There was a lot of demand for wood.
By 1915, all of the trees within 20 km
of Walhalla had been cut. At that point, getting wood from further
away and transporting it to the mines was so expensive that a ton of
wood cost as much as the gold found in a ton of rock. It wasn't
economically feasible anymore. Besides, none of the miners could
afford to keep their families warm in the winter.
Now that entire region is covered in
tall trees. But they are all regrowth over the last century.
Understand, the mine didn't stop
running because they couldn't find gold. They never ran out of gold.
There still is gold in them thar hills. Just no one is mining for it
any longer.
The family, a mine cart, and rusty tools! It's got everything. |
That's okay with us. I wasn't looking
for a new career as a miner. As Carver, who is still three years shy
of the 15 year requirement to begin work as a miner, pointed out:
What really is so important about gold?
Certainly nothing I want to risk my
life over.