Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My Second Day of School - Syarra

This is a comparison of three schools on the globe!


Today, like every other, was a new day. But today was a new day with things planned. I awoke at 5:55 (notice I did not say A.M, because the rest of the world does not), ate breakfast, got dressed, and went to school. It was around 7:10 when we arrived in Göktürk, Eyüp, Türkiye. It was easy to kill time at a local bakery. When it was 7:50 we entered Hisar Egitim Vakfi Okullari. We were in the waiting room and soon the person who had coordinated our visit came. We were led into an office to meet with the  principal of the middle school. We talked for a while and then were led to our class rooms. Once in the classroom, I was assigned a partner who helped me through the day.

Part 1:

This was a math class where we were learning Pre-Algebra. As I entered, the class was finishing a project with trapezoids. We continued on that subject looking at projectors and answering questions and at the end of math the students were asked to use their IPAD'S to get the special question. (This is on a app, and I think they complete the question in class and figure out if they got it correct later.) By this time, five or more friendly students had asked my name, country, and a assortment of the other questions. I answered accordingly and continued to my next class.

In South Africa we were doing multiplication from a more active approach like you might remember from My First Day of School.

In my home town in Pennsylvania we would pull out big books and fill out worksheets, from a new curriculum that the teacher sometimes didn't understand.

Part 2:

Now was English class where a test was scheduled. I was led to the library so I could get a book to read while they took the test, but I was able to see the test. It was three pages of theater script in English, grammar included. About 25 minutes later a fire alarm went off. Everyone came to assure me that this was not a real fire. They continued the lesson and soon that class was over.

Unfortunately I did not have a class like this in South Africa.

I think these tests at Hisar are better than the American language arts tests. I felt that writing a script was a fun way to practice the skill instead of just reading meaningless sentences.

Part 3:

Now was a class of neither English nor Turkish, it was in French. I was greeted in French. I watched a video in French, with Turkish subtitling, no English. Then we wrote a series of "I like..." "I love..." and "I hate..." can you guess? Yes, in French.

These are my french papers of mixed feelings

In South Africa there was an Afrikaans class completely in Afrikaans and the French class was close to only in French, but not quite.


I hope you have enjoyed this comparison!

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